What caused thirst when waking up in the morning?

Some factors play a role in the dehydration of the body in the morning, primarily the weather, and the amount of water drank the day before.

But even in cold weather some may feel thirsty at the beginning of the day, because we lose fluids during breathing so, they should differentiate between these factors and the presence of dryness in the body.

How do I know I’m dehydrated?

Our brains release an anti-diuretic hormone when we feel dehydrated and excreted during the night to help us retain fluids because we cannot drink water during sleep.

This hormone does two things: it makes us thirsty, which prompts us to go and drink water, and tells the kidneys to absorb more water back into the body, instead of turning it into urine.

This response occurs when we feel 1-2% dehydrated in body weight. If weight is 70 kg, and 1.4 kg of weight is lost throughout the day, it means losing 2% of body fluids, because it is almost impossible for people to lose this amount of fat or muscle in a single day.

The first urine colour in the morning is a good indicator of the body’s moisture, and the sooner the dark color the dryer.

How do I keep the body hydrated?

We need to consume about two litres of liquids a day, many of which can come from the food we eat, especially fruits and vegetables, and most importantly, the loss of liquids can be corrected within 24 hours.

Diuretics are a cause of dehydration, including medication prescribed by the doctor, and need to drink more fluids.

There are coffee and caffeine drinks as well as eating high-salt foods, leading to the body’s water retention, fluid loss through cells and not urine.

To reduce the impact of these factors, you need to increase your intake of caffeine-free liquids, water-rich fruits and vegetables such as orange and cucumber and avoid other diuretics, such as cranberry juice, ginger, fennel, apple vinegar and some teas including green and dandelion.

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