
Abu al-Gheit meets al-Dakhiri

The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States met Ambassador Ahmed Aboul Gheit yesterday at the secretariat’s headquarters in Cairo, Professor Ibrahim Adem Al-Dakhiri, Director-General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development.

The parties discussed a number of topics, including the League of Arab States’ initiative to achieve Arab food security, the Sustainable Food Security Programme as an opportunity for Arab food integration to achieve and enhance food security, and the creation of opportunities for Arab cooperation to achieve food security.

This meeting took place within the framework of the mandate of the Secretary-General of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development to prepare the initiative of the League of Arab States to achieve Arab food security by preparing a comprehensive study on the possibilities and opportunities for Arab food integration to achieve and enhance food security and review investment opportunities.

“The Director-General of the Secretary-General has presented what the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development has done to date in order to complete a number of strategic framework documents to ensure Arab food security.

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