Al-Burhan presides over the sovereignty and cabinet meetings

Al Burhan, President of the Sovereignty Council, joint meeting of the Sovereignty and Ministers Councils in the presence of his Deputy Owner of Ayr Real Estate and members of the Sovereignty and Ministers Councils.

Minister of Culture and Information Dr. Graham Abdulkader said in a press release that the meeting dealt with actions that are linked to the government’s priorities, especially the control and reduction of disbursements, as well as issues related to the federal government’s 2024 budget.

Graham explained that the President of the Sovereign Council gave a clearer insight into the State’s efforts in peace and protection of citizens, the need to resolve the insurgency and the importance of the rapid exit of militia rebels from the homes of citizens, government and service institutions and others.

Dr. Graham added that the meeting had heard reports from ministerial supervisors from members of the Sovereign Council.

The Minister of Culture and Information said that the meeting addressed the centrality of work in the capital and the need to expand and distribute information in the different states so that there are sources of such information when any sabotage occurs.

The meeting also heard the ministries’ performance reports from ministers.

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