al-Burhan receives the African Peer Review Mechanism mission

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, received the African Peer Review Mechanism Mission headed by Ambassador Ali Al-Hafani, a member of the African Union Committee of Eminent Persons in the presence of Dr. Saif Al-Dawlah, General ashir al-Abdullah, General a ‘

D ‘ In a statement to the press, Saif al-Dawla Bashir said that UNMIS had arrived in the Sudan in preparation for the launch of the governance gap report in the Sudan, stating that the delegation’s visit came at a time when the Sudan looked forward to its welcome prospects for the future, especially after the signing of the framework agreement.

The Chairman of the Sovereign Council welcomed the Mission’s delegation and stressed that the Sudan was working actively towards the required democratic transition, stressing that the Sudan was working with all regional and international partners on the development and promotion of cooperation and joint coordination.

The Superintendent-General of NEPAD expressed the hope that the mission’s visit to the Sudan would be a good pioneer towards freezing the Sudan’s membership in the African Union and its return to the regional and international community so that it would contribute to the well-being and development of Sudanese citizens.

For his part, Ambassador Ali al-Hifni, Head of Mission, said that the Sudan was one of the first countries to join the African Peer Review Mechanism established in 2003, indicating that next year will mark the twentieth anniversary of the Mechanism.

“We should not celebrate this anniversary in the absence of the Sudan.”

Ambassador Al-Hafani stated that the Sudan was one of the few States on the African continent to submit a national report on governance and good governance.

The Mission’s purpose had been to analyse the gap over the recent period with regard to State performance in governance and good governance, as well as other related topics.

The Head of Mission said that the visit would open the door to interaction between the Sudan and the African Union.

We hope that the sanctions on the Sudan will soon be lifted at the regional and international levels so that the Sudan can return to exercise its normal role regionally and internationally and that much of the assistance that has been allocated to the Sudan will be released.

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