Al-Burhan warns Sudanese politicians not to interfere with the military

The commander-in-chief of the Sudanese army, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, warned politicians not to interfere with the armed forces.

In a speech at the Omdurman Military Relaxation Base, the President of the Sudanese Sovereign Council confirmed the army’s standing with the Sudanese people to achieve aspirations.

According to Burhan’s letter:

The army is developing and equipping its forces.
Our goal is to bring the Sudan to safety.
We have begun to reform our military system.
We always warn politicians not to interfere with the military.
We invite all politicians to take a seat at the dialogue table.
We want collective but not unilateral solutions.
We seek compatibility with our surroundings and build balanced relationships.
Groups were observed inciting officers and soldiers.

al-Burhan of:

Building and equipping the armed forces to carry out their tasks.
We must not be afraid to talk about reforming the armed forces and we will not allow someone to mess with them.
Foat’s vision is to support transformation and establish a non-partisan civilian government.

For more than a year, the Sudan has been in a state of political and economic turmoil against the backdrop of ongoing anti-Burhan protests on 25 October.

While popular protests continue; Some Sudanese political forces say they are seeking a solution to the crisis in cooperation with the tripartite mechanism of the United Nations, the African Union and the IGAD Group, as well as actors in the international community, which is lobbying strongly to hand over power to civilians.

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