Al-Hadi Idris briefs Quartet and Troika countries on the outcomes of his visit to Juba

The member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Head of the Revolutionary Front Dr. Al-Hadi Idris said that the ongoing political process in the country, after the signing of the Framework Agreement, the subsequent workshops, and dialogues on outstanding issues, was the only opportunity that would lead Sudan to a stable civil state and launch the beginning of stability in the country in the next stage.

Dr. El-Hadi Idris underlined, during his meeting at his residence with the delegation of the Quartet mechanism and the Troika countries, the support of the Revolutionary Front for the process of transition and democratic transformation, calling on the Quartet mechanism and the Troika to provide international support that would make the political process a success in the country, urging them to play a greater role in persuading those who oppose joining the framework agreement in order to be an inclusive accord.

The member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council revealed, in a press statement, that he briefed the delegation of the Quartet Mechanism and Troika on the outcome of his visit to the Republic of South Sudan, stressing that the State of South Sudan, as a mediating and guarantor state of the Juba Peace Agreement, should have played a role in these workshops as they are related to the political process, especially those related to the eastern issue, pointing out that the signatories to the framework agreement agreed, during the recent workshop, on the need to involve the mediating state in the peace process and the eastern issue.

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