Bellife receives the Deputy Secretary-General of the Future Reform and Development Movement

Ambassador Mohamed Belliesh, Special Representative of the African Union in the Sudan, received at his office today Mr. Mohamed Elamin Ahmed, Deputy Secretary-General of the Future Movement and Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the General Conference.

Mr. Mohammed Al-Amin gave a further insight to His Excellency the Ambassador on the baseline building campaign of the Future Reform and Development Movement at the Centre and the mandates and arrangements for the first General Conference to be held on 15 March and invited His Excellency to honour and address the opening session of the Conference.

Ambassador Belish, for his part, gave an insight into the political process currently under way. He stressed the importance of an inclusive and integrated political process and the importance of dialogue among the Sudanese divisions in order to reach a civilian Government agreed upon leading to free and fair elections. He was pleased and welcomed the invitation to attend the inaugural meeting of the Movement’s first General Conference.

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