d. Al-Hadi Idris stresses the State’s desire to strengthen the capabilities of the regular forces

Dr. Al Hadi Idriss Yahya, member of the Transitional Sovereign Council, stressed the State’s desire to strengthen the capabilities of the regular forces and the Security Committee in a tawila local area so as to enable it to perform its functions and duties optimally.

Addressing the mass gathering in the region, His Excellency promised to direct the competent authorities to increase the number of security forces in the region and to coordinate with the State Government to provide communication networks that contribute to enhancing security and stability, to report cases of aggression against farms and to control those who are bent, as well as to provide support in coordination with the State Government for development projects, services, women and youth.

Dr. El Hadi Idriss stressed the importance of achieving reconciliation and peaceful coexistence among the constituents of the region, inviting civil administrations and the state government to contribute to this.

Fusion and interaction among tribal components contributed to the consolidation of peace, which was the top priority of the Juba Agreement for Peace in the Sudan.

On his part, the Governor of Northern Darfur State, Nimr Mohammed Abdulrahman, called on the civil administrations, youth and women in the region to maintain the stability of the security situation and affirmed the state government’s eagerness and seriousness to implement all the demands of the citizens in the region and address their issues.

In addition, representatives of civil administrations and young people in a long area called for speeding up their demands and addressing their issues of securing the agricultural season and decisive harvest operations, aggressor pastoralists, connecting communication networks and establishing service and development projects.

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