Eritrean foreign ministry condolences on Ambassador Majed Youssef

The acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Ali Al-Sadiq Ali, received today a message of condolence from Othman Salih Mohamed, the Eritrean Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the late Ambassador Majid Yusuf Yahya, Director General of the General Department of Human and Financial Resources at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Eritrean Foreign Minister conveyed his sincere condolences to the Sudanese people and to the colleagues of the late in the ministry, expressing his sincere condolences to the family of the late in this painful loss.

It is worth noting that the late Ambassador Majed Youssef worked as an ambassador of Sudan to the sister country of Eritrea in the previous period, and passed away last Saturday in the Senegalese capital, Dakar, during on an official work mission.

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