Final Agreement Initial Draft Completed

The Final Agreement Drafting Committee, consisting of 11 male and female members of the civil forces signatory to the framework agreement, and a representative of both the Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, completed initial draft of the final agreement, and will hand it over to the military and civil parties officially involved in the political process in a meeting to be held at the Republican Palace.

the official spokesman for the political process, Khaled Omar Youssef, pointed out in a press statement that after that the draft will be discussed between the various parties in order to reach a final formula that will be signed after completing the discussions on the draft and completing the details of some remaining issues in the security and military reform file.

He added that the initial draft agreement was based on specific references, which are the framework agreement, the political declaration that was discussed with the non-signatory forces, the draft of the transitional constitution, and the recommendations of the four workshops that were held within the final stage of the political process.

On the other hand, the security and military reform workshop will open in the Friendship Hall, which within four days, it will discuss issues of reform in the military and security system, leading to a single professional and national army, security arrangements, and reform of the police and intelligence services.

The workshop will be held with wide participation of the regular forces, representatives of the political forces, pensioners of the regular forces, and specialists from inside and outside Sudan, while the recommendations of the workshop will be included into the final political agreement.

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