Foreign Minister meets Deputy Head of Mission of UNITAMS

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Ali Al-Sadik Ali, met with his office Ms. Khardiata Lundiani, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for the United Nations Integrated Transition Support Mission (UNITA) and Resident Coordinator.

During the meeting, the Minister expressed his thanks and appreciation to Ms. Khardiata for her efforts through her position as Resident Humanitarian Coordinator and also as Deputy Head of UNITAMS Mission and her initiatives in the peacebuilding process based on her experience and experience in other African countries, as well as her knowledge of the social, cultural, political and economic context in the Sudan.

For her part, Ms. Khardyata thanked and appreciated the cooperation she had found from the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and understood the Sudanese sectors with which she had worked.

It would continue to be interested in and supportive of the political peace process and peacebuilding in accordance with local priorities.

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