Important details at the Burhan meeting with political forces

Since the outbreak of the glorious December Revolution, we have sought to reach the minimum national consensus to protect the country from threats and threats posed to it by external interventions and conspiracies that seek to control its resources, geography and orientation.

In an effort to reduce the exacerbation of political and regional polarization, we have called for a commitment to dialogue as the only way and option to resolve the country’s crisis.

Unfortunately, our efforts and appeals have not been accepted by some parties that have sought to monopolize the decision and authority to lean outside.

External interventions were accelerated by the cooperation of internal forces, followed by the rebellion of a faction of the armed forces in order to seize power, which led to the outbreak of a war of prejudices that wiped out green and land.

We, the political and societal forces that met with the President of the Sovereign Council on Saturday, 18 November 2023, affirm the right of the armed forces to fulfil their duty to defend and protect the country, while fully condemning the gross and systematic violations of human rights and the crimes of ethnic cleansing committed by the Rapid Support Militias by enabling them to escape, expose citizens and loot their property and crimes of genocide in Western an Darfur.

In our meeting with the President of the Sovereign Council, we made clear our national political position in support of the State, its institutions, its armed forces and the Sudanese people’s clear position calling for the resolution of the insurgency.

Our meeting with the President of the Sovereign Council came to reflect on the status quo and the steps we should all take to preserve the unity of the country, while demanding that we uphold the need to leave or remove the militia from citizens’ homes and civilian objects as a precondition for a ceasefire.

We have also stressed the need for assistance and humanitarian aid for people in need.
On the other hand, the political and societal forces that met with the President of the Sovereign Council affirmed that the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue without exclusion is the only way and the right entry point for the stability of the country, while adhering to the road map it has prepared to resolve the Sudanese crisis through an inclusive dialogue and the country’s transition to the stage of democratic civil rule.

1. Peace Block.
2. democratic bloc.
3. Forces of national mobility.
4. National Front.
5. Coordinator return to the foundation platform.
6. National Consent Block.
7. Sudan Liberation Movement Transitional Reform Council.
8. civil society.
9. Civil Administration.

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