Minister of Commerce receives Algerian Ambassador

The Acting Minister of Commerce and Supply Amal Salih Saad received at her office the Algerian Ambassador in Khartoum Asaad Murad and the delegationaccompanied him.

The minister affirmed strength of the relations between Sudan and Algeria, expressing her pleasure that the Algerian Minister of Trade and Export Promotion would be the honor guest of the 40th session of Khartoum International Fair, which will be inaugurated during 24th -31st of the current January .

The Minister of Commerce praised the Algeria’s concern and participation in the activities of the 40th session of the Khartoum Exhibition, stressing that this interest will deepen the bilateral relations between the two countries.

For his part, the Algerian ambassador revealed his country’s desire to expand trade relations between the two countries, pointing to the importance of activating the Businessmen Association between the two countries, which was established in 2016, suggesting an executive program to be worked out during this period until an official start, underscoring importance of cooperation in the processing industries, which Algeria is to extend to Sudan, such as the red meat factory and slaughterhouses.

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