Musa Hilal renews his support to the armed forces, rapid support and the Juba Agreement

Leader Musa Hilal, Chairman of the Revolutionary Awakening Council, member of the Sudanese People’s Call for National Accord Committee, renewed his support to the Sudanese Armed Forces, the Rapid Support Forces, Armed Struggle Movements and the Juba Peace Agreement.

Noting that the strength and cohesion of the social fabric is the strength of the various security services.

In press statements, he said that since 2019 we have been emphasizing the unity of the armed forces because they are the safety valve of the Sudan.

Calling upon all political forces to be concerned first and last with protecting the unity of the Sudan’s soil, he stressed that the members of the armed forces were the sons of the Sudan and said that their return to the barracks came after free and fair elections, during which the people chose to trust them.

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