New Political Initiative on Sudanese Crisis Announced

The National Center to observe the principle of citizenship and e pluralism, announced at the regular news forum of a new political initiative on Sudanese crisis.

During the launch of the new initiative at the SUNA Forum, Director of the Center, Mahjoub Hussein, said that the initiative is necessitated by strategic national need to hold dialogue leading to a historical settlement, adding that there is an urgent national necessity that prompted us to launch this initiative, which establishes an effective social, public, cultural and political interaction.

Mahjoub explained that the country is in need to new national political, military and security arrangements, stressing that the Army and Rapid Support forces are two complementary forces working to accomplish one national task to map a new path for Sudan by implementing the slogan of the revolution.

The director of the center stated that the arrangements that made between the Army and Rapid Support Forces and all other military bodies are made in favor of a new professional military that works according to the known agreed upon law and fair representation and scientific knowledge standards, to be neutral and do not engage in politics.

Mahjoub called for the formation of a Constitutional Council to develop a permanent constitution in accordance with the highest national principles with the participation of political and civil forces, women, Trade Unions, specialists from universities, civil forces, pointing to the working out a modern electoral system that establishes a real popular will in consultation with political forces and to hold general elections under international supervision.

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