Sheikh Al-Jid Calls for National Accord to Preserve Security and Stability

The leader of the initiative of the call of the people of Sudan for national accord, Sheikh Al-Tayeb Al-Jid, has called on all the people of Sudan to achieve national accord in order to preserve security, pointing out that maintaining unity requires a lot of concessions so that the future be better for the coming generations.

Addressing the round-table conference organized at the Friendship Hall on Saturday, Sheikh Al-Jid tanked those who presented initiatives, which exceeded 40 initiatives, all of which are aimed at unifying public opinion, a matter which is important for completing the transitional period through a government of competencies with specific tasks that lead to free and fair elections through which the people choose whom they trust to lead the country and to achieve stability and peaceful transfer of power.

He praised the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, Mohamed Osman Al-Mirghani, who was one of the first supporters of the Sudanese – Sudanese dialogue and the national accord among the Sudanese people to address the crises of transition.

Sheikh Al-Jid stressed that the foreign intervention in Sudan affairs is unacceptable, indicating that there are mutual interests between countries and the states’ sovereignty must be respected, praising the visits of representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited to Sudan, the revolutionaries and all the entities to meet with him in Um Dhawban.

He appealed to everyone for tolerance and surpassing the bitterness of the past in order to build Sudan and making stable the remaining transitional period in which the structures of the transitional power will be completed.

He affirmed the importance of respect to the Armed Forces which is the safety valve for Sudan security and stability, pointing to the importance of preserving the peace that was achieved in Juba and completing peace process in areas where some people are holding arms, renewing call on all the components of the Sudanese people to adhere to dialogue to achieve peace and stability.

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