Sudan discusses business relations with Algeria

The Sudanese and Algerian sides discussed ways to strengthen trade relations between the two countries through a genuine partnership that ensures the sustainability of these relations for the benefit of the two fraternal countries.

This came during the recent meeting of the Sudanese Ambassador to Algeria, Nadia Mohamed Kheir Osman, Minister of Trade and Export Promotion of Algeria, Professor Kamal Rizeq.

The meeting addressed the proposal to establish a “Joint Employers’ Council” for the important role it is expected to play in promoting investment and promoting commercial relations that will benefit the two peoples and looked forward to completing the Council’s membership at the earliest.

Minister Riziq stressed Algeria’s participation in the Khartoum International Fair, which will be inaugurated on 24 January with approximately 60 Algerian companies working in all vital areas.

The meeting was attended by a number of departmental directors of bilateral relations, foreign trade, planning and studies.

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