The Accreditation of Refugees and UNHCR in Darfur examine common issues

Mr. Farsha Mujibur Rahman Mohamed Ya ‘qub Rizq, Assistant Refugee Accredited to the Darfur States, met with the Director of UNHCR’s Office in Southern Darfur, Ms. Mlika, in the presence of the State Accredited Director, Mr. Rahma Muhanna Dubey, who discussed a’

The Assistant Accredited heard a detailed report from UNHCR of the service projects implemented in the 2022 Plan and of UNHCR’s strategy profiles at the local level in food distribution, education, health, child protection and legal aid with partners in governmental organizations and institutions.

Ms. Mlika noted the challenges of refugee registration programmes and the difficulty of accessing remote areas, as well as the absence of some refugees at their locations during registration, noting the efforts made with the immigration and passport authorities and the difficulty for refugees to obtain travel documents, as a result of poor funding and deteriorating conditions.

For his part, the Assistant Refugee Accredited to the Darfur States stressed the need to fill the shortage of services and work to create organizations with the capacity and capabilities to contribute to addressing the dire humanitarian conditions, especially the health aspect s Republic of Korea “, reiterated its keenness to promote joint efforts with relevant bodies in coordination with UNHCR in support of the provision of education, health, food and shelter services and to ensure the issuance of the supporting documents that the accredited documents have been seeking to provide despite the difficulties they face.

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