The Council of Political Parties conducts the Challenges of Women’s Participation in Parties workshop

The Political Parties Affairs Council held a workshop (Challenges of Women’s Participation in Political Parties) at the Grand Hotel. The workshop presented two working papers on women’s participation and the importance of political parties in democratic transition.

According to the representative of the political parties, Huda, according to the rest, “the role of women in the parties is effective despite its exclusion,” emphasized its role in change.

Professor Atta al-Bathani, a professor at the University of Khartoum, called for taking advantage of past experiences in transition and moving away from a romantic view of politics, explaining that one feature of transition is the emergence of economic crises, high crime rates and many political alliances.

In his paper on the importance of political parties in democratization, Atta al-Bathani pointed out the importance of the parties’ attempt to manage the features of transitions and how to deal with features and take advantage of our past experiences in transition to create national homogeneity and a state that respects citizenship.

For her part, Professor Naomat Coco, a researcher on issues of gender, discrimination and alternative policies, noted in a paper on the challenges of women’s participation in parties that the solution was to operationalize the role of women by enabling them to participate in policy and decision-making at all levels of leadership and encouraging political parties to participate in women.

Throughout the history of the Sudanese women’s movement, Naamat Koko added, Sudanese women suffer from the historical exclusion from active participation at the leadership level and in decision-making positions in political parties.

The workshop was attended by media professionals and party representatives from all states of the Sudan.

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