The Governor of Blue Nile Region calls for the need to consolidate security

Governor of the Blue Nile region,- Lieutenant-General Ahmed Al-Omda Badi called on the governors of the state’s commissioners to give due concern to the strengthening of security and work to upgrade and develop services of interest to citizens in all the region.

This came yesterday during the first coordination meeting, which included the governors of the provinces, in the presence of a number of ministers, heads of supreme councils and the Secretary-General of the regional government.

Badi directed the governors to support the issues of citizens returning to their various locations, as well as fighting regionalism and tribalism and working to unify ranks, calling for a commitment to promoting self-revenue and using it to support services that concern citizens.

He called for the importance of joint work in order to face challenges, topof which is supporting the issues of returnees from the neighboring countries of South Sudan and Ethiopia.

He directed the governors to move towards supporting joint action in order to respond to the aspirations of the citizens of the region and contribute to missing the opportunity for the enemies and thwarting their plans aimed at striking the social fabric in the region and the country, in general.

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