The President of the National Human Rights Commission meets the Wali of Western Darfur

The President of the National Commission for Human Rights met with Dr. Rafat Merghani Abbas Al-Amin at the conclusion of the delegation of the National Commission for Human Rights to the city of El Geneina, West Darfur, Khamis Abdullah Abker, and thanked him for his efforts in the success of the dialogue on hate speech held by the National Commission Commission for Human Rights in Cooperation with the Faculty of Law.

For his part, the Wali emphasized the important role of the National Commission for Human Rights in the dissemination and protection of human rights and welcomed the proposal to open an office of the Commission in the state to facilitate citizens. In a related context, the President of the National Human Rights Commission, Dr. Merghani Abbas Al-Amin and the Rector of El Geneina University, Professor Al-Tayeb Ali Ahmed, filed a memorandum of understanding and partnership in the field of human rights culture awareness.

The President of OHCHR thanked the Rector for the warm reception and hospitality and for the University’s great community efforts.

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