The President of the Sovereign Council meets the French Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa

The President of the Sovereign Council, General Abdelfattah al-Burhan, met with his office, the French Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Mr. Frederick Clave, who is currently visiting the Sudan in the context of France’s positive engagement with Sudan issues.

The meeting addressed bilateral relations between the two countries and France’s role in supporting the political transition process in the Sudan and its continuing efforts with the international community in providing support, particularly in the context of the debt relief initiative.

Proof commended France’s support for the transitional period and, in particular, the efforts of national consensus among all parties to the political process to achieve the aspirations of the Sudanese people.

The meeting discussed regional and international developments and demonstrated the Sudan’s welcome for the ceasefire agreement signed between the Ethiopian Government and the Tigray Liberation Front and the need to complement peace efforts for stability in the region.

Reaffirming Sudan’s support for peace and stability efforts in the region and the region.

For his part, the French envoy confirmed his country’s continued support for the Sudan in the humanitarian aspects and in the areas of agriculture and development in the Sudan.

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