The state of Northern Darfur is looking with the U.S. ambassador about USAID projects

North Darfur Wali Nimr Mohamed Abdel Rahman searched his office at the state government headquarters in El Fasher with U.S. Ambassador to Sudan John Godfrey, who yesterday appeared to visit the state at the head of a delegation from the embassy, U.S. aid official in Sudan and members of the U.S. Congress.

He discussed with them the programmes implemented by the United States Agency for Development (USAID) and the implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement in the Sudan. Nimer considered in a press statement following the meeting that the visit of the United States Ambassador to the State was an encouraging step that would lead the relations between the two countries to greater prospects.

Nimr added that his meeting with the American Ambassador discussed the general conditions in the Sudan and the requirements for the success of the transitional period, as well as the progress of implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement in the Sudan and how to implement the national issues of the Constitutional Convention and Population Statistics and the implementation of security arrangements, as well as the implementation of the Darfur Route cartels.

Nimr said that he had discussed with Ambassador Godfrey the challenges faced by the citizens of the State in the field of pastoral agricultural activities and access to water, health and education services that should be done by American aid. Nimr once again appealed to the international community through the United States Ambassador to reinstate his aid to the people of Darfur, who continue to suffer the consequences of the war without linking it to the political conditions in the Sudan.

At the same press conference, Ambassador Goode Frey said that his discussions with the Governor of Northern Darfur had addressed all issues of mutual interest and programmes and projects implemented by USAID in various regions of the state, noting that such assistance also included those affected by recent rains and floods.

Godfrey added that he had spoken with Wali Nimer about the Juba Peace Agreement to continue the understanding between the Sudanese people on the one hand and the American people on the other, noting that Washton looked forward to contributing to the construction of a civilian state in the Sudan, stressing his country’s desire to support the Sudanese people to make the democratic transition in the country a success.

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