The Under-Secretary of State meets with the Envoy of the Republic of China for the Horn of Africa

Ambassador Dafullah Hajj Ali, Under Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, received Mr. Shui Ping, the Republic of China’s envoy for the Horn of Africa region and his accompanying delegation, who is visiting the country for two days.

The meeting addressed the historical and strategic relations between the Sudan and China and high-level coordination in international forums and mutual support on issues of interest to the two countries It also addressed the fruitful cooperation between the two countries in the economic sphere, which led to massive development projects that benefited the two countries. The two sides agreed on the need to strengthen this distinct relationship and develop it to greater prospects in the future.

On the other hand, the meeting touched on China’s initiative for the Horn of Africa launched earlier this year, which aims to stabilize the region, bring peace, security and development, and the two sides exchanged views on how to achieve the goals of the initiative within the partnership between China and the countries of the region.

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