Türk stresses the importance of joint action to promote and monitor human rights

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, stressed the need for joint work between OHCHR and federal, regional, state and local government bodies to promote and monitor human rights by focusing on women’s and children’s rights.

This was made in press statements following the meeting held in El Fasher in the North Darfur State with the Governor of the Darfur region of Minni Arko Minawi and Wali of Northern and Western Darfur as part of his current visit programme to the Sudan.

Turk added: ” “it is very clear that it is important to move forward in the promotion of human rights in this part of the Sudan as a fundamental issue requiring the joint work of UNHCR and government agencies in order to reach the issue of protection”, noting in this regard that it recognizes and understands the suffering of people in Davor s development “, but hoped that the situation would improve for the better in the light of the positive developments currently under way.

Türk thanked the enlightenments he had heard and the talks between him and the Governor of Darfur and the Governor of Northern and Western Darfur, describing those talks as constructive.

At the outset of his press statement, Türk expressed his pleasure at visiting El Fasher after his last visit 11 years ago, describing his visit today after assuming the post of High Commissioner for Human Rights as an emotional moment and a message of solidarity with the Sudanese people.

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