Al-Burhan follows the implementation of the South Sudan Peace Agreement

The President of the Transitional Sovereign Council briefed General Abdul Fatah al-Burhan on the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement in Southern Sudan.

During his meeting with Juba, the First Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar, and Vice-President, Dr. Hussein Abdul Baki, secured the need for consensus among the parties in order to establish security and stability in South Sudan.

Especially after the extension of the agreement period for two additional years, commending the efforts of all the parties to the agreement and their continued pursuit of peace in South Sudan.

Call for continued work to implement all provisions of the Agreement.

For their part, the First Vice-President and the Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan affirmed their full concern for the security and stability of South Sudan and the implementation of the signed provisions of the Peace Agreement.

They appreciated the efforts of the Government of the Sudan in pursuing the implementation of the Peace Agreement in the South as guarantor and supervisor of the Agreement.

They underscored the seriousness and commitment of the parties to achieve stability, which has a positive impact on the region’s security and stability.

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