Sexual violence rises 128% in South Sudan

The United Nations warned of a rise in sexual violence in South Sudan, pointing to an increase of more than 200 per cent in this context between April 1 and June 31.

“The peacekeeping mission in South Sudan is deeply concerned about the high incidence of conflict-related sexual violence, despite the overall decline in the number of civilians affected by violence in the country,” United Nations Secretary-General spokesman Stefan Dujarric told a press conference.

“Of particular concern is the 218 percent increase in conflict-related sexual violence in the second quarter of this year.”

The Secretary-General’s Special Representative for South Sudan, Nicholas Haysom, was quoted by Dujarric as saying that the dramatic increase in sexual and gender-based violence was “totally unacceptable”.

Haysom “called for an end to this violence, which divides societies and impedes reconciliation.” “The peacekeeping mission supported national authorities to ensure accountability and access to justice for survivors and victims”, Dujarric emphasized.

A UNMISS report showed that “the tribal conflict in the country remained the main source of damage to civilians and 38 per cent of the losses were caused by government forces and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army”.

The report urged “the Government of Southern Sudan to promptly investigate human rights violations and abuses and hold perpetrators accountable”.

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