The Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge meets the IGAD envoy of the Republic of south Sudan

The Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge of Mr. Ali al-Sadik Ali met with his office today, Dr. Ismail Weiss, Special Envoy for the Republic of South Sudan.

The IGAD envoy informed his sovereignty about his efforts to support the implementation of the South Sudan Peace Agreement, the challenges it faces and the results of his meetings with the various parties during his recent visit to Juba.

He noted the central role played by the Sudan as guarantor of the Agreement and head of leadership in strengthening the process of implementing the Peace Agreement and working to address obstacles to implementation.

For his part, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the IGAD Ministerial Council stressed Sudan’s desire for the implementation of the fraternal peace agreement in the Republic of South Sudan to proceed smoothly. and overcome the challenges and obstacles faced, noting His Excellency’s recent visit to Juba and Kampala and the letters he conveyed from His Excellency the President of the Transitional Sovereign Council to the leadership of the two countries and his meetings and discussions with the various parties Peace Agreement “, which accelerates the implementation of the Peace Agreement and advances efforts in this framework.

Furthermore, the Minister for Foreign Affairs directed the Chairman of the Ministerial Council to lead Ambassador Weiss by continuing his efforts and contacts in accordance with the directives and decisions of the Summit and the Organization’s Ministerial Council.

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