Director, University of Khartoum, World Conference on appropriate

The Director of the University of Khartoum, Professor Imad Al-Din Al-Tahir Ardeep, addressed the opening session of the tenth edition of the World Conference on Appropriate Technology (ICAT), hosted by the University of Khartoum, in cooperation with the Sudan University of Science and Technology, and INAT, a network of academics and practitioners aimed at promoting the use of technology to empower.

The conference was sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The session was also addressed by the Director of the Sudan University of Science and Technology, Professor Issa Bashir Mohamed.

This morning’s opening session of the Conference Hall was chaired by the Ministry, with the broad participation of the University family and a group of researchers and regional, international and national research institutions. University Director Professor Emad Eddine Adeeb welcomed all participants and representatives of universities, global and regional institutes. The importance of the Conference was reflected in addressing such global issues as migration, food security, the environment, health, climate change and other contemporary challenges.

He emphasized that the conference plays an important role in improving scientific research and creating strong partnerships among researchers from all over the world, noting the University of Khartoum’s willingness to work with its partners and the research contribution to addressing the issues at stake.

The Director commended the members of the Organizing Committee and pledged to transform the University’s recommendations into a programme of work to be implemented on the ground.

The President of the Global Appropriate Technology Network, Professor John Triple, spoke of the importance of modern technology in building societies and raising individuals’ capacities as one of the key elements of today’s times.

For his part, the representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research conveyed Minister Prof. Mohamed Hassan Dahab’s greetings to the participants and said that the Sudan was a rich country with the resources that needed to be used to expand the use of technology.

At the opening of the session, Dr. Ghada Kudud, President of the tenth edition of the Conference, gave an introduction to previous events hosted by several African States and appreciated the role of local partners in organizing this edition hosted by the University of Khartoum.

Following the inaugural session, the scientific sessions were launched, with a series of specialized lectures.

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