Address by the President of the United States at the United Nations General

In his first speech at the United Nations on the occasion of the official opening of today’s annual General Assembly, US President Joe Biden outlined a new era of intense competition without entering a war-like cold war with the Soviet Union in the last century and promised his country’s military restraint and new commitments to counter climate change.

Biden said his country would work to find solutions to the crises that hit the world from maximum to maximum, and that his country’s military would observe a policy of restraint in future conflicts. Biden has made a commitment to fighting the coronavirus pandemic, tackling climate change and tackling cyber threats.

Biden told the annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly that the United States would help resolve crises from Iran to the Korean peninsula to Ethiopia.

The world faces a “decisive decade” and leaders should work together to combat the raging coronavirus pandemic and the planet’s global warming phenomenon and cyber threats. The United States would double its financial commitments on climate aid and spend $10 billion to combat hunger.

The United States would vigorously compete economically and act in support of democratic systems and the rule of law. “We will defend our allies and friends and oppose attempts by stronger nations to dominate the weakest, whether by forcibly changing territory, economic coercion, technological exploitation or misinformation, but we are not seeking, and I will say it again, we are not seeking a new cold war or a world divided into rigid blocs.”

“We have ended 20 years of conflict in Afghanistan, and as we end an era of relentless war, we are beginning a new era of relentless diplomacy,” Biden said. In the face of criticism over the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden pledged to defend the vital interests of the United States, but said “the mission must be clear and achievable, and the U.S. military” must not be used as a response to every problem we see around the world. “

Biden hoped to make a convincing argument that the United States remains a trusted ally of its partners around the world, after years of “America First” policies by his Republican predecessor, Donald Trump. Biden said addressing a variety of global challenges “will depend on our ability to recognize our common humanity.” He remained committed to resolving the dispute with Iran over its nuclear programme peacefully.

He also pledged to defend Israel, but said that a two-State solution with the Palestinians was still needed, although the road to it was far from being reached.

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