China pursues a policy of peaceful development after its twentieth Conference

Chinese Ambassador Ma Xinmin stressed that after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China, China is committed to the Chinese path towards modernization in all areas to establish the second centenary goal of building a modern socialist state.

The Chinese Ambassador told a press conference at the Chinese Embassy about taking note of the guidelines of the twentieth National Congress s gross domestic product (GDP) has expanded by 114.4 trillion Chinese yuan (RMB) of 53.9 trillion to represent 18.5% of the world economy by 7.2 percentage points, with China remaining the world’s second largest economy indicating that GDP per capita rose to $ 12500.

The Chinese ambassador said that China had ranked eleventh in the world innovation missionary, up 23 10 years ago, adding that China’s life expectancy had risen to 78.2 years and nearly 100 million rural people had emerged from poverty to production.

Ma Xinmin noted that China has the world’s largest education, social security, medical and health care systems and has become an important trading partner for more than 140 countries and led the world in total merchandise trade, with China contributing 38.6% to global economic growth.

Mr. Ma Xinmin stressed that China’s modernization was to abandon the old path of development achieved at the expense of the environment. “We are now committed to the environment,” he said. Chinese modernization is now taking place to enable more than 1.4 billion Chinese. China must feed approximately 20% of the world’s population with 9% of arable land worldwide and 6% of the world’s freshwater resources.

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