The European Union condemns Al-Shabaab’s attack in Mogadishu

The European Union strongly condemned Al-Shabaab’s “latest attack” in the Somali capital, Mogadishu.

European Union Foreign Policy Coordinator Josep Borrell said in a statement posted on the Union’s website that “the European Union strongly condemns the recent attack by the Al-Shabaab terrorist group in Mogadishu on Saturday.”

The statement added: “These senseless attacks against innocent civilians, including women and children, remind us only of the barbarity of the movement against its people and expose the true hypocrisy of its intentions.”

“The recent attack on an institution dedicated to teaching the country’s future only strengthens our commitment to stand with the Somali people and hold accountable those responsible for these cowardly and deadly attacks.”

“Our resolve and determination to fight terrorists and defeat Al-Shabaab is higher than ever”, the statement concluded.

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