What is a Common sense initiative and its goal how has it been dealt with?

The Common sense initiative has received widespread attention from a large number of citizens across various social media sites, but there are some activists who have questioned the initiative and its purpose after many images supporting the idea went viral.

What is a Common sense initiative?

Common sense initiative called for the challenge of homosexuality, which has recently spread to many different countries, to fight it by spreading the human sense that lies in men marrying women.

The image of the Social Media Common sense Initiative swept into blue and light pink, colors that call for the rejection of the ideology of spectrum colors.

Goal of the Common sense InitiativeThe aim of Fatima’s initiative is to raise awareness of the rejection of homosexuality, since homosexuality is not a fleeting lust or a personal deviation, but it has become an ideology that seeks to abolish the basic human binary between male and female, defend their freedom or the idea of tolerating them and advocate its normalization.Fatima modifies the path and expresses the rejection of homosexuality, which is the role of every reasonable human being who has seen a deviation that is incompatible with human intimacy, which is the objective of the basic campaign.

The campaign called on large entrepreneurs and popular Facebook pages that do not support homosexuality, to announce their support for the campaign by supporting the color of the Common sense, by changing your photos, your project logo or your company and putting it on mushroom colors, as well as using # Common sense

.Thus, alternatives could be created for all companies or institutions that support homosexuality against humanity, through that campaign, which answered the sites within hours of their launch.

Many citizens and big pages interact with the dissemination of the idea, and their personal image changes, thereby spreading the idea quickly to everyone.

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