Why did China change its economic tone with the United States?

Chinese leader Xi Jinping adopted a more conciliatory tone last week during his visit to San Francisco, the culmination of a year-long trend away from harsh rhetoric from top Chinese officials, Axios reported.

The importance of the Biden-Xi meeting
The meeting between US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi may mark the beginning of a period of relative calm in U.S.-China relations, but the fundamental divisions between the two countries mean that the détente may not continue, analysts told Axios.

Shi’s remarks
Xi Jinping’s remarks at the APEC summit, both publicly and in his meeting with Biden, were less critical than at times in the past.

Chinese state media has also changed tone, pumping out articles throughout the past week praising the popular relations between the United States and China.

Xi Jinping’s remarks during a dinner with top US executives were warm.

Mutual economic benefits
This highlighted the benefits of economic cooperation, with Xi proposing that China send more pandas to the United States, which was welcomed by the United States in what is known as panda diplomacy.

Xi told the Wall Street Journal: “China is pursuing great development and the United States is revitalizing its economy. there is considerable scope for our cooperation “.

Trade war between the United States and China
According to Axios, some who attended the dinner with Xi said his speech represented the friendliest tone in years. Former US Trade Representative Michael Fruman, who attended the dinner, told the New York Times: “I was blown away by something. It was as if the age of warfare wolf diplomacy had never happened “, referring to the trade war that began between China and America under former President Donald Trump.
Reason for the new Chinese orientation

The softer tone comes as China faces its toughest economic conditions in decades as foreign direct investment in China declines amid U.S. export restrictions that have hampered parts of China’s technology sector.

Friendly tone does not end differences
Substantial differences remain between the United States and China. Joshua Kurlantzik, senior analyst at the Council on Foreign Relations, told Axios: “I think despite this nice talk – and better talk than not – the results came very modest. The meeting will change almost nothing with regard to the nature of the relationship between the United States and China and its continued competitiveness “.

Stable Relationships
“The summit’s achievement lies in stabilizing, not improving, relations between the United States and China,” said Yun Son, director of the China Program at the Stimson Center. “Nothing has changed substantially in both countries, including their specific national interests, leaders’ preferences and structural conflict between the two countries, as well as each other’s definition,” Son added.

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