Zakharova: Russia is ready to contribute in every way to a settlement between Israel and Palestine

Russian foreign spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Moscow was ready to contribute in every way possible to a settlement between Israel and Palestine.

Zakharova stated that the Russian side is in constant contact with key regional players in order to stabilize the situation.

Zakharova added in a press briefing: “We are indeed genuinely ready to continue to provide comprehensive assistance to the parties in order to de-escalate confrontation and achieve a ceasefire. We are in close contact with key regional players, whose role in stabilizing the situation and creating conditions for direct Palestinian-Israeli dialogue is indispensable.”

Last Saturday, Hamas launched Operation Tufan al-Aqsa, during which thousands of rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip, carrying out qualitative operations involving the intrusion of several settlements into the Gaza envelope, and a street war between Palestinian fighters and Israeli forces, which responded by launching Operation Iron Swords and carrying out violent airstrikes on the Gaza Strip.

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