Algeria confirms its participation in Khartoum International Exhibition

Algeria confirmed its participation in the Khartoum International Fair at its fiftieth session, to be held in January 2023, in accordance with its openness to States, particularly the Sudan.

General Fateh Awad Abdullah, Director General of the Sudanese Company for Free Zones and Markets, said after his return from Algeria in a press release that his meetings with officials there found a response to their investment in the Sudan in the fields of agriculture and others.

The visit had achieved successes, including participation in the Khartoum International Fair with a large wing reflecting Algeria’s products. It had been agreed that a week in the Sudan would be held for an exhibition made in Algeria.

We also discuss the Sudan’s interest in and participation in the Food Summit organized by the League of Arab States on November 1 and its orientation to the Sudan as the only country to address the food crisis. We have the opportunity to promote and benefit from the Free Zones Act, facilitate the procedures in the same window and operate production units with modern technology to maximize exports and import substitution.

His Excellency noted that he met with the Federation of Business Federations and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce. A full explanation was given on the performance of the free zones. It was agreed to create investment partnerships under the free zones and that the investment formula would be complementary rather than competitive and would be a major breakthrough for the Sudan after submitting the investment map.

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