India confirms its participation in Khartoum International Expo

The Indian Ambassador to the Sudan Mr. BS Mubarak confirmed his country’s participation in the Khartoum International Fair at next January session with a number of companies specializing in all fields.

He said at today’s press conference at the Peace Hotel Rotana with the participation of the Federation of Sudanese Chambers of Commerce that India is keen to participate in all Sudanese commercial events thanks to the continuous communication between the two countries.

The Ambassador attributed India’s failure to participate in the previous Khartoum International Expo due to the postponement of the Expo, which made Indian companies at other events special and that the trade side is not likely to delay and the Ambassador described the trade relations between the two countries as comprehensive and deep.

He added that most of the mechanisms used in the Sudan in agricultural fields were mostly Indian industries, noting that his country was keen to increase trade with the Sudan, indicating that India had cooperation with Sudanese hospitals and about 10 Thousands of Sudanese have been treated in India during the past periods and thousands of Sudanese students have graduated from Indian universities within the framework of the two countries’ outstanding and continuous relations.

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