Jaber Announces Commitment to Support Outcomes of Khartoum Development Conference

The Member of theTransitional Sovereginty Counil (TSC) Lt. General (Navy) Ibrhaim Jaber in his inaugural address befor Khartoum State Development Conference (KSDC) hled at Frinship Hall, khartoum, said that: “we are witnessing today a conference which is organized by the Khartoum State on issues that represent the essence of the conflict and the battle we are fighting and we dedicate everything to it, announcing his his unlimited commitment to support the conference’s outcomes, calling all the Khartoum State community to follow the same path.

The TSC member stressed that t the development issues are among the requirements of the renaissance, noting that the path to renaissance passes through the principle of freedom and the values of peace and justice raised by the glorious December revolution.

He pointed out that freedom is a relative principle and not an absolute value, but peace and justice are absolute values, and that between the absolute and the relative lies the conditions for renaissance, adding that everyone is aware of the current political, economic, socially and security conditions that the country is going through which becoming a challenge to all the people of Sudan stressing all must agree and unite to face these challenges.

Jabir appreciated the Khartoum state’s initiative of holding this development conference in light of the circumstances, with all their facts, calling for the importance of cooperation to achieve development, construction and reconstruction, noting that the Khartoum state government, led by the governor, plays a major role in bringing about development and seeks to provide the necessary services to citizens despite the scarcity of resources.

Menwhile the TSC Member called on other states to follow the example of Khartoum state in the field of development and take the country torweds urbanization, development and renaissance, noting that the conference adopts a correct approach to address the nation’s issues according to a scientific vision and proposing solutions, regarding issues of poverty, unemployment, education, the environment, electricity supply, food security, roads and bridges and control over the spread of drugs, as well as issues of migration and displacement from neighboring countries.

Jabir renewed his hope that the conference would come out with recommendations that serve the mandate calling the political forces to be aware on the importance of compatibility, cooperation and compromig of disputes stressing: “It is high time for work, construction and development.”

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