Meeting of the Council of Arab Economic Unity in the Sudan next December

Khartoum hosts the meeting of the Council of Arab Economic Unity at its 114th ordinary session in mid-December.

Senior officials and specialists as well as ministers, agents, permanent delegates and ambassadors of Member States participate in the meeting.

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning is responsible for preparing for the meeting and coordinating all government agencies to ensure the success of the meeting and the achievement of its objectives.

Aban D ‘ Mohammed Bashar Mohammed, Minister of Planning, Chairman of the High Committee for Preparation, said that the Sudan was represented in the Minister of Finance. Djibril Ibrahim chaired the previous session (113) in the Republic of Mauritania and extended an invitation to host the meeting of the 114th session of the Council of Arab Economic Unity in the Sudan next December.

The Council is one of the specialized technical bodies and the arms of assistance in the operational work of the League of Arab States and one of its principal organs and is concerned with achieving the full economic unity of the Arab States.

D ‘ The meeting will achieve the goals of integrating Arab capital with Sudan’s comparatively advantageous natural resources to achieve the Arab Food Security Initiative at a time when the world’s attention will turn to safe havens that will protect people from the evil of the food shortage expected.

Preparations for the meeting are under way in the Ministry of Finance, with the participation of all stakeholders. The preparatory committees have begun to carry out their mandated tasks in full coordination with the relevant ministries and government units.

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