Minerals Minister: Sudan Continues Developing Mining Sector

The Minister of Minerals, Mohamed Bashir Abu-Namo, has affirmed capabilities of the mining sector in Sudan to make continuous development in the sector and upgrades the performance of the work by benefiting from foreign experiences through Sudan participation in international conferences and exhibitions in the field.

The minister praised in a statement he published over his Facebook account participation of Sudan’s delegation, chaired by Undersecretary of the Ministry, in the activities of Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) and the International Mining Exhibition that was held there.

The minister indicted that participation of Sudan in such great international conferences and exhibitions would develop mining sector and the extraction industries in the country, pointing out that the Sudanese delegation was acquainted with the modern technologies used in the extraction of minerals, especially gold.

Member of the delegation to the conference Director General of the Sudanese Mineral Resources Company Mubarak Abdel-Rahman Ardol presented in his paper mining investment opportunities in Sudan and the enormous potentialities that the country enjoys, inviting foreign investors to take advantage of the investment opportunities and the great incentives provided by the government to attract foreign investment in the field of mining.

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