Minister of Animal Resources Turkish Ambassador Discuss Cooperation

The Minister of Animal Resources, Hafez Ibrahim Abdul-Nabi, has discussed prospects for fruitful cooperation between the Sudan and Turkey in all areas of animal resources.

This came during his meeting in his office with the Turkish Ambassador to the Sudan Ismail Chopin Oqlu.

The meeting dealt with the joint projects between Sudan and Turkey in the field of animal resources development.

The minister referred to the establishment of a technical committee between his Ministry and Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.

Abdul-Nabi, called for genuine partnerships with Turkey in all animal resources products, especially the red meat exports in addition to benefiting from Turkey’s livestock experiences and taking advantage of Turkish training and grant opportunities for workers in the sector.

The Turkish diplomat, on his part, affirmed the importance of cooperation and coordination between the two countries in all areas of animal resouces and ways to enhance and develop them.

He called on Turkish companies working in livestock in the Sudan to increase Turkey’s investment in the Sudan.

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