Minister of Investment discusses investment areas with Qatari Ambassador in Khartoum

Ms. Ahlam Madani Mahdi, Minister of Investment and International Cooperation at her office, discussed with Qatari Ambassador in Khartoum Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Sada, bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to support and develop them, especially in the areas of investment.

Its sovereignty affirmed the State’s desire to overcome all problems and obstacles to national investment in the Sudan, particularly in the field of agriculture and livestock.

Ahlam noted that Sudan has become a front for smart investments that take into account common interests.

The Minister gave an explanation on the investment opportunities in the Sudan and the problems and obstacles to Arab investments in the Sudan in general and Qatar in particular. She emphasized that the draft amendment to the Investment Law had been satisfied with all investors because it did not find solutions to many problems and appreciated Qatar’s significant role in the Sudan, especially in the humanitarian and economic aspects.

Mr. Mohammed Ibrahim al-Sadah, Ambassador of Qatar in Khartoum, paid tribute to the efforts of the Ministry of Investment to improve the investment climate in the Sudan. He was able to attract many investors, especially in the field of Arab food security.

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