Minister of Minerals: Sudan operates with high transparency in accordance with international standards

The joint meeting, which brought together the Ministry of Minerals and the Organization of Great Lakes States, examined aspects of joint cooperation and how to implement Sudan’s commitments to signed oranges, covering several areas represented in regional integration and interest in the mining industry in the States of the Organization.

Minister of Minerals Mohammed Bashir Abounmou stressed that the Sudan has worked to implement all its commitments with regard to regional cooperation and to complement the Organization of Great Lakes States’ requirements for the marketing of mineral wealth products and the standards, foundations and controls of signed conventions and cartels.

Abunmu said that the lagoon States appreciated the Sudan’s advanced role in the development of traditional mining and serious attempts to reduce the use of mercury and to involve women in the mining industry.

The Minister of Minerals enumerated Sudan’s achievements as a founding member of the organization, through which he played significant roles in the transfer of expertise and experience to the Great Lakes countries of Central, Eastern and Southern Africa.

He announced the Sudan’s commitment to undertake further research and studies to keep abreast of developments in technological work and reiterated the Sudan’s interest in cooperation with African countries, particularly regional and subregional organizations.

For his part, the Executive Secretary of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, Ambassador Samuel Kohalu, confirmed that atrocities of security, peace and cooperation with the Sudan cover a number of areas that benefit the people of the Organization’s States.

Samuel emphasized the implementation of the four steps that give the Sudan its certification of origin for mineral products related to the development of mining processes, the reduction of the risk of using mercury and mining materials, the participation of the women’s component and awareness-raising processes.

In the same context, the Executive Secretary expressed his appreciation for the role of the Sudan and the progress made in the development of the mineral industry. He also criticized the media services of some countries that were trying to tarnish the image of the Sudan globally. He assured the Sudan of its readiness, represented in the minerals sector, to work transparently and in compliance with international requirements.

The Great Lakes delegation had recorded a visit involving a number of artistic and engineering departments and had visited the Museum of Geological Research, standing on the Sudan’s rich history in that area.

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