One million and five hundred thousand acres were planted during the winter season in the state of River Nile

Nile River State has targeted the cultivation of 1 million (500) acres in the current winter season (960) thousand with wheat crop.

The Minister of Economy and Manpower of the Nile River State, Mr. Mahjoub Al-Ser Mohamed Ahmed, confirmed in press statements to the visiting press delegation of the State that the State was ready for the Winter Lounge by providing various production inputs in the head of gasoline and pesticides, indicating that urea fertilizer was provided at affordable prices.

The minister disclosed that the wheat crop was provided free of charge and said that this season’s financing was done through the Nile Bank, indicating that the strategic stock of wheat crop in the state is estimated at about 2 million and 500 thousand mobile phones and enslaved the existence of an aggressive gap in the state.

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