Sovereignty Council President reviews projects of Graduates Employment Agency

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Gen. Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, was briefed today on the programs, projects and plans of the National Agency for Graduates Employment during the coming period.

This came when Al-Burhan received in his office today Secretary-General of the Agency, Dr. Adel Ali Babiker Al-Mahi.

The President of the Sovereignty Council stressed the importance of providing job opportunities for the graduates and adopting projects for the stability of youth, as they are the main pillar in the country’s development and renaissance process.

He stressed his keenness to find the necessary solutions for the problems facing the agency, in coordination with the relevant bodies, to enable it to perform its duty and implement its future programs and projects in a way that meets the aspirations of the graduates.

Dr. Adel said in a press statement that he provided a detailed briefing to the President of the Sovereignty Council on the performance of the National Graduate Employment Agency during the last period, the difficulties it faces, and how to find projects that accommodate graduates, pointing to the pioneering role of youth in bringing about renaissance and development in Sudan.

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