The Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development continues its progress despite challenges

The Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development (AIAD) has confirmed that it will be able to continue the work under the circumstances.

imposed by the Virus Corona pandemic (COVID-19) thanks to a strong infrastructure for information technology and its different applications.

The Authority achieved net gains for the financial period ending in 2021 of about $26.1 million compared to $24.8 million in 2020.

The total investment value of the Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development in its existing companies and projects under implementation by the end of last year 2021 was approximately $662 million, representing 91% of the Authority’s paid capital of $731 million.

The Authority’s investments in existing companies and projects under incorporation and implementation are divided into four main sectors: agro-manufacturing at 49 .70% and livestock production at a percentage rate. 24.53% Plant Production Sector 22.24% Agricultural Services Sector 3.53%

At the end of 2021, 53 companies and projects were involved by the Authority, including 37 existing companies and 16 projects under foundation and implementation. The Board’s investments in Member States are distributed

The majority of its investments are concentrated in Sudan, which enjoys 64.26% of its investments according to the latest report of the Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development for the year 2021

By the end of last year, the Commission implemented 40 small-scale farmers’ and producers’ development programmes in a number of Arab States, with the aim of upgrading their production and productivity, increasing the number of beneficiaries of development programmes in Arab States where they are reported.
77.423 beneficiaries in 2021 compared to 61.321 beneficiaries in 2020.

In 2021, UN-Women also implemented about 11 applied research programmes in a number of Arab States, with the aim of localizing new varieties of field crops and introducing modern agricultural technologies and reaching agricultural investment opportunities that the Authority has studied and evaluated in a year’s time 2021,116

The Authority’s existing loans to its companies and to small-scale farmers’ development programmes totalled $125.2 million and its existing guarantees amounted to about $23 million.

The Board’s investment in regional and global financial markets in the previous year totalled 605.3%, up 20%, and shareholders’ equity totalled $1.010 million, compared to $997.4 million in the previous year.

In its report, the Commission referred to the weakness of its paid capital, which represents 2.2% of the value of the Arab food gap estimated at more than $3.3 billion.

The Authority was able to meet the challenge of increasing the number of agricultural companies in Arab States through partnership with the public and private sectors and by seeking and developing innovative mechanisms to mobilize additional financial resources for investment in agricultural sectors and the localization of conventional technology.

The Authority stresses that there are many encouraging opportunities for the development of the agricultural sector through the optimal exploitation and development of untapped natural resources, which is enhanced through the integration and coordination of Arab capacities among the country’s development and agricultural policies.

The Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development is an Arab financial institution with a legal personality on 1 November 1976.

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