The Minister of Investment stresses the importance of the Sudan’s Arab Food Security Initiative

His Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, Ms. Ahlam Madani, discussed ways to implement the Sudan’s Food Security Initiative.

Noting the evolution of the Northern State’s experience in the issue of land, he referred to the Investment Law, which provided for the establishment of the Investment Operations Lands Chamber, primarily concerned with resolving and planning the investment land issue and identifying appropriate projects in accordance with a comprehensive state-level plan to facilitate the country’s investment process.

For his part, the State Investment Commissioner referred to the understandings made in this regard with Zadna Company and the Arab Agriculture Organization, stressing the readiness of the Northern Agricultural State map in addition to initial studies and estimated areas.

The meeting discussed a package of issues common to the Ministry and the Northern State, addressing the issue of the comprehensive survey carried out by the State of Investment Projects and the survey of local lands of Marwa, which is bordered south by Khartoum State up to 137 kilos and Northern State projects at its border with Khartoum State, which includes an industrial, residential and service city in addition to the camel racecourse.

The meeting also addressed the position of the Umm Jawasser project and the agreement with the parents and the achievement of civil consent, which contributed to the provision of investment land free of obstacles and the resolution of infringements by full consent and consent.

The meeting addressed the issue of foreign investments in the northern jurisdiction and the importance of assessing them and utilizing and developing available resources for the development of the national economy.

On the other hand, the meeting addressed the issue of energy and its provision for investment projects in the state and the electrical connection between the Sudan and the Arab Republic of Egypt and its role in securing energy that enhances agricultural and industrial production in the state and the national economy.

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