The Minister of Investment stresses the need to develop Sudan’s economic relations when meeting with Sudanese ambassadors

The Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, Mrs. Ahlam Madani Mahdi, stressed the need to develop Sudan’s economic relations with the countries of representation through his pledge to support efforts to develop economic relations with these countries and to respond immediately to all those related to investment.

In meeting with her office, the Minister of Investment examined Sudanese ambassadors’ candidates for overseas stations.
Ambassador Hassan Abdussalam-Malaysia.
Ambassador Hassan Saleh Sawar al-Dahab of Jordan.
Ambassador Ahmed Abdelwahid-Tunisia.
She examined investment trends in representative countries, noting the importance of paying attention to infrastructure and food security projects.

The Minister addressed the agreements signed with the representative States and the joint business councils.

For their part, the ambassadors assured to coordinate and liaise with the Ministry with regard to projects and promote different investment opportunities.

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