The Minister of Investment welcomes Kuwait’s investments in the Sudan

The Minister of Investment and Cooperation, Mrs. Ahlam Madani Mahdi, welcomed Kuwaiti investments in the Sudan, stressing the Government’s desire to overcome all the obstacles it faces, noting the distinction of historical and fraternal relations between the two countries.

Upon meeting with her office, she described Ambassador D ‘ Fahad Machari Al-Zafiri, Kuwaiti investment, is qualitative and strategic for the Sudanese economy, referring to Sudan’s Arab Food Security Initiative and a course in food security, especially in the wake of current international conditions.

The Kuwaiti ambassador said that his country encouraged Kuwait’s private sector to invest in the Sudan. He pointed out that Kuwait and the Sudan had submitted a memorandum on the initiative, pointing to the establishment of a Kuwaiti high committee for follow-up.

The Ambassador noted his interest in following up Kuwaiti investments in the Sudan, noting Kuwait’s support for the Sudan in economic and humanitarian aspects. He pointed out that the Kuwaiti side had established a model village for orphans and considered it a noah for other villages.

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